JPEG2MOV V3.0 (2000-12-30)

Creates a QuickTime-Movie

The latest Version can be found under:
My HomePage:


68020+, AmigaOS 2.04? (Tested: 3.1)


This litte tool allows you to create a QT-MOV from many pictures. You can directly save a MovieShop project to a MOV, for example.

All pictures must have the same size. The pictures will be stored in the MOV without any changes.

Supported picture types:
-JPEG, 8bit greyscale
-JPEG, 24bit color
-PNM: pgm, 8bit greyscale, format P5
-PNM: ppm, 24bit color, format P6
Supported sound types:
-AIFF, 1-16bits, 100Hz-65kHz, 1/2 Channels
-RAW, 8/16bits, 100Hz-65kHz, 1/2 Channels, MSBF, Signed (Cli-Only)

Supported Compression types:
NoneRequires: PNM
Totally uncompressed - very big!
Foto - JPEGRequires: JPEG
The JPEGs will be stored without any changes.
Motion JPEG ARequires: JPEG (only tested with color JPEGs)
The JPEGs will be stored without any changes, but they will be displayed interlaced.
So each JPEG must be a Field (Half-Frame) which will be joined to one Frame while displaying.

Such movies will be very big, if you're using PNM, or it won't be playable on the most computers, if you're using JPEG. So just take the movie, use an (emulated) Macintosh and e.g. the shareware program "DesktopMovieFat" to recompress the movie!!

It is also possible to use QuickTime3 (Registred) on an Mac or PC to Recompress any Movie. URL:


The GUI requires MUI 3.x (tested 3.8)!

Just start JPEG2MOV from WorkBench, or from CLI with "gui" as the only parameter.

I hope that the GUI is self explainend.

For general help, read the CLI section.

The CLI-Version is more powerful!



Required Options:

TO/AThe movie that should be build. An existing file will be overwitten!

And you have to specify video and/or sound.

Optional Parameters:

INFO/SJust show information about the movie, which will be created, but don't do it.


Required Options:

FROM/AThe path and name of the pictures. There are two methods:
·Specify an ANSI-C-type-form-string for the pictures, e.g. "JP:pic.%04d.jpeg" (only if you know what you do!!)
·Specify the first picture: e.g. "JP:pic.0012.jpeg", the program will automatically convert it to the other format and extract the first picure.

To specify the speed of the movie (FPS) you have many options. If the stored pictures have the same speed like the movie, just specify one of this options:

ORIGFPS=OLDFPS/K/NThe FramesPerSecond of the images.
NEWFPS=FPS/K/NThe FramesPerSecond of the movie.
TIMESCALE/K/N,SPEED/K/NTIMESCALE divides one second into units. SPEED is how long an picture should be displayd (measured in units). Example: TIMESCALE=600, SPEED=10 -> FPS=TIMESCALE/SPEED=60

If the original and the new FPS-rates are different, you have some methods to do that.
The skipped pictures won't be stored in the movie.

SEQUENCE=SEQ/KAn text which specifies, which picture should be picked "P" (stored in the movie) or skipped "S".

Now you can do some combinations:

Tip: switch on INFO an play a little bit with this options.

Optional Parameters:

MJPAOn PNMs the compression "None" will be used. On JPEGs usually the compression "Foto - JPEG" will be used, with this parameter you can switch on the "Motion JPEG A" compression. (See Overview for more details)
START/NSpecifies the first picture. It defaults to the number, which will be extracted from the FROM-Option - if there is a number in it - or 1.
MAXFRAMES/K/NMaximum numbers of frames to read/skip. (If your orig and new FPS-Rate are equal, this means also the numbers of written frames)
READALL/S/KForce to read all pictures, even if there skipped. This option is essential, if you've stored the pics a PIPE and only want to read some of the pictures.

Scale / Crop-Options:

The program does not change the pictures, it will only set the needed options in the movie, that tell good QT-Programs that the movie should be shown scaled/cropped.
QT and CyberQT do not support them at all. The Windows QT-Player supports scaling.
All Mac programs support both!

SCALEWIDTH=SW/K/N, SCALEHEIGHT=SH/K/NThe size of the scaled picture. (default: original picture)
The picture will be first scaled, then cropped.
CROPWIDTH=CW/K/N, CROPHEIGHT=CH/K/NThe size of the cropped picture. (default: scaled picture)
CROPTOP=CT/K/N, CROPLEFT=CL/K/NThe offset to the left-top-edge of the cropped picture. (default: the picture will be centered)


AIFF: Required Options:

SOUNDFILE=SND/KThe soundfile

AIFF: Optional Parameters:

SETFREQ/K/NIf your soundfile e.g. have the frequency 40099 but you're knowing that that is an error, you can change the rate with this option to 44100 (or any other freq.).
Note: The sample will not be resampled, only the signature will be changed.

RAW: Required Options:

SOUNDFILE=SND/KThe soundfile
FREQ/K/NThe Frequency (100Hz - 65kHz)
BITS/K/N8 or 16 bits
There must be signed datas
16bit format: Motorola (MSBF)
CHANNELS/k/N1 or 2 Channels
Stereo must be interleaved

RAW: Optional Parameters:

HEADER/K/NSkip the first n Bytes of the file

Thats all, have fun!!

Known Bugs


This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note".
It is GIFTWARE/MAILWARE as defined in paragraph 4g/4b.
For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1.4 or higher).


  • Added the "Motion JPEG A" support
  • Removed the "Draco Feature"
  • Added Support for RAW-Sound
  • Small Stack Bugfix
  • Bugfix: Colored PNM picture reader
  • Bugfix: Added some GUI error requester
  • Bugfix: Corrected the CTRL-C handling
  • Corrected the CLI-Output a bit
  • Changed the documentation to HTML
  • Added a section to the documentation
  • Bugfix: CLI: MAXFRAMES
  • Made the CLI-Output more readable
  • GUI
  • Sound support
  • PNM support
  • First release

©2000 ALeX Kazik · last update 30-Dez-2000